Developer Resources

This page houses additional information targeting developers and maintainers of the tps code base.

Coding Style

Two make targets exist to help promote some basic coding standards within the code base. The coding style targets Google’s C++ Guide and a static linter targeting this style is configured to run with make style:

$ make style

Checking source code style using

Done processing BCintegrator.cpp
Done processing BCintegrator.hpp
Done processing BoundaryCondition.cpp
Done processing BoundaryCondition.hpp
Done processing M2ulPhyS.cpp
Done processing M2ulPhyS.hpp
Done processing averaging_and_rms.cpp
Done processing averaging_and_rms.hpp
Done processing dataStructures.hpp
Done processing dgNonlinearForm.cpp
Done processing dgNonlinearForm.hpp
Done processing dgNonlinearForm.hpp
Done processing domain_integrator.cpp
Done processing domain_integrator.hpp
Done processing equation_of_state.cpp
Done processing equation_of_state.hpp
Done processing faceGradientIntegration.cpp
Done processing faceGradientIntegration.hpp
Done processing face_integrator.cpp
Done processing face_integrator.hpp
Done processing fluxes.cpp
Done processing fluxes.hpp
Done processing forcing_terms.cpp
Done processing forcing_terms.hpp
Done processing gradNonLinearForm.cpp
Done processing gradNonLinearForm.hpp
Done processing gradients.cpp
Done processing inletBC.cpp
Done processing inletBC.hpp
Done processing io.cpp
Done processing io.hpp
Done processing main.cpp
Done processing masa_handler.cpp
Done processing masa_handler.hpp
Done processing mpi_groups.cpp
Done processing mpi_groups.hpp
Done processing outletBC.cpp
Done processing outletBC.hpp
Done processing rhs_operator.cpp
Done processing rhs_operator.hpp
Done processing riemann_solver.cpp
Done processing riemann_solver.hpp
Done processing run_configuration.cpp
Done processing run_configuration.hpp
Done processing sbp_integrators.cpp
Done processing sbp_integrators.hpp
Done processing tps.cpp
Done processing tps.hpp
Done processing utils.cpp
Done processing wallBC.cpp
Done processing wallBC.hpp

Note that this style check is executed on pull requests and must be successful in order to land changes on the main branch. Developers are encouraged to run locally and everything required to perform this check is included directly within the git repository. If issues are detected, details on the style exception will be displayed and you can fix by hand, or alternatively, use an additional enforcestyle target to automatically fix the majority of issues. The enforcestyle check uses the clang-format tool which must be installed locally prior to running (this tool is part of a standard clang installation and should be available within any standard Linux distro):

$ make enforcestyle

Applying source code style updates using clang-format

clang-format -i averaging_and_rms.hpp equation_of_state.hpp forcing_terms.hpp
mpi_groups.hpp run_configuration.hpp BCintegrator.hpp
faceGradientIntegration.hpp inletBC.hpp outletBC.hpp sbp_integrators.hpp
BoundaryCondition.hpp face_integrator.hpp M2ulPhyS.hpp rhs_operator.hpp
wallBC.hpp domain_integrator.hpp fluxes.hpp masa_handler.hpp
riemann_solver.hpp dgNonlinearForm.hpp gradNonLinearForm.hpp
dataStructures.hpp io.hpp tps.hpp averaging_and_rms.cpp
faceGradientIntegration.cpp M2ulPhyS.cpp rhs_operator.cpp wallBC.cpp
BCintegrator.cpp face_integrator.cpp riemann_solver.cpp BoundaryCondition.cpp
fluxes.cpp masa_handler.cpp run_configuration.cpp domain_integrator.cpp
forcing_terms.cpp mpi_groups.cpp sbp_integrators.cpp equation_of_state.cpp
inletBC.cpp outletBC.cpp utils.cpp io.cpp dgNonlinearForm.cpp
dgNonlinearForm.hpp gradients.cpp gradNonLinearForm.cpp tps.cpp main.cpp

Known Gotcha: The MFEM provided GPU macros (e.g. MFEM_FORALL_2D and MFEM_FOREACH_THREAD) can cause clang-format to introduce odd indents in loops using these macros. Consequently, consider disabling the formatter in regions using these macros by embedding comments as follows:

// clang-format off
MFEM_FORALL_2D(n, dof, num_equation, 1, 1, {
  MFEM_FOREACH_THREAD(eq, x, num_equation) {

});  // end MFEM_FORALL_2D
// clang-format on


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